Botulinum toxin
The best treatment method to smooth and eliminate forehead lines, frown lines, crow’s feet and neck bands. Frown lines are wrinkles which form between the eyebrows and crow’s feet form around the eyes. Overactive facial muscles around the eyes and lower forehead may give a person an angry, tired, or displeased appearance – even when they are not experiencing that emotion. Professional use of botulinum toxin can lead to a more relaxed, yet expressive face. Neck bands are visible bands on the neck formed as a result of aging. The cords or bands that protrude from the neck tend to sag with the aging process and pull the neck down. Certain patients can get significant lift with botulinum toxin injection into these neckbands. It works by relaxing the contracted muscles which cause these wrinkles. botulinum toxin blocks signals sent from the nerves to the muscles that causes relaxation of muscles and treat these lines.
In the case of deep wrinkles, there´s a possibility to combine the procedure with the application of filler materials. The procedure takes up to 20 to 30 minutes. Only minimal treatment marks are visible so the client can immediately get back to daily activities.
Everything about the procedure
- The effect of rejuvenated and relaxed skin
- Removing or refining wrinkles
- Prevention of deepening and formation of new wrinkles in the treatment zone
- Simple and fast ambulatory surgery
- By repeating the effect is prolonged and the results are more pronounced
- The effect is 3 to 5 days after application, it develops completely after 2 weeks and takes about 3 to 5 months