Hyaluronic acid fillers

Hyaluronic acid fillers

Currently, one of the most popular treatments in the world offers a non-invasive method of smoothing out wrinkles, reducing folds, strengthening the face and lips contours. The first choice for correcting nasloabial folds wrinkles, adding volume to the face and lip augmentation. We use hyaluronic acid by world top producers that also contain the Lidocaine local anesthetic, so the procedure is less painful.

Administration is by injection, we use needles or cannula the procedure is performed after local topical aplication of the anaesthetic cream. The usual procedure takes up to 30 minutes. The effect lasts for 9-12 months.

  • Instant effect with long lasting effect
  • Filling and smoothing of the wrinkles in the area of the forehead, mouth, eyes and NL folds
  • Celkové spevnenie kontúr a ochabnutých partií tváre
  • Enhancing contours of the cheekbones
  • Modeling and enlarging the lips
  • No recovery downtime after treatment